Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oh snap! Graduation~

Well I know this is kind of late...But I grraadduuaatteeddd! Well it's not really happened on Thursday. BUT ANYWAYS yeah! It feels good to be out but at the same time this is where the real challenges come into play. There's so much I need to work on and plan. The portfolio show was on Thursday and I would like to thank my friends and family for stopping by and showing their support. Though it was kind of hard when the employer portion came around I did get almost a hand full of people be interested in my work, which is more than what I thought it would be. We traded information and I will be contacting them pretty soon to see if I can get my foot in or around the door, lol. In the mean time I also have a good number of projects lined up that I hope to achieve and post up. It'll be a while though for I need to get a couple of things in my life situated but I will be posting some concepts for an animation I'm working with a friend called 'Destiny Cafe'. Hope everything goes well.

You can see my demo here,

Thanks everyone for the support and enjoy :D

Flash Animation Demo Reel 2012 from Melyssa Rolon on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I'm back

Yeah I haven't forgotten/abandoned my blog. Just a lot of things have been happening these past couple of months and I never knew when it would be a good time to come back to it. But I did remind myself to always go back because..yeah. Really need to update.

So I had a lot of small animations that I was suppose to clean and be done with in order to work on more in October...but around the 2nd week my boyfriend and I got into a car wreck and my work time that I had planned was basically cut down. I couldn't sit or lay down to work on my things, I couldn't hold a pencil/stylus in a comfortable matter in order to work on my projects. So it ended up becoming to just cleaning what I had from the previous quarter and if I can go to the other animations I planned to put in my this point I doubt they'll make it but I might just put some pencil tests in there to show...MIGHT.

Well school, "graduation", is right around the corner. I shall be having my portfolio show on December 13th and be officially done with college and getting my Bachelors!~
As the day grows ever so close I feel like there is still a lot that I didn't really learn, that I wasn't aware of while being there, but at the same time I want to get out in order to work on more of my stuff. I have a line of projects already set up so it'll be a matter of strapping myself down and working on them.

Thought I should show something...This is Lani my Helicopter Girl. I'm still a big noob when it comes to Flash Animation but it's the one thing I enjoy the most and hope to get to know more and more of. Flash shall be my baby!!! I will make it that way!

Lani- Helicopter Girl from Melyssa Rolon on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lumina pt2

So I forgot about putting these up. Lumina has changed again! And guess what...she might change once again!~ Trying to make it as simple as possible and likeable. But here's some more color concepts and the turnaround with her new hair :3

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Figure Drawings

I finally scanned in my drawings from the open life sessions.
You get to see from my struggles to my stuff?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Not forgotten

Wow I can't believe I haven't been on here for like...almost 2 months now. School has been kicking my butt this quarter and with Graduation around the corner I've been trying to be more on top of my projects than ever before, by around the corner I mean this December. I'm  working hard and attempting to show something amazing. Working on a group animation project right now which is what is taking a lot of my time at the moment and I'll be posting the results of it the beginning of June..between the 3rd-10th. Hope people look forward to that. Annnddd well only thing I have to show is sketches for now so SKETCHES it shall be.

So I was just trying to come up with a race of water/fishy people and came up with these concepts. I'm loving the lady with the big hair. Always love drawing people with a lot of hair...I don't know why...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring break?

Drawing doesn't take breaks!

I just wasn't sure whether or not I should post them here because it was things for fun. But you know what it is still practice to get better at what I love to do. So yes! Let the posting begin!!!

I'm involved with a group online where we just talk about animation, stories and share character ideas. So someone suggested to draw our female original characters in bathing suits. The challenge was accepted and so someone from the group did. And then I decided, "why the hell not? I'll do it too."

So I did these all in Flash. No outline just flats. I wanted to make it simple and get comfortable with coloring, slowly but surely, even if it was just paint bucket.

This character belongs to me. :)

The rest of the characters do not belong to me other than Raizel.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Yeah this should have been posted pretty soon but I shall do that now! End of the quarter has finally come around! Now we start spring break but it doesn't mean that my work will take a break as well. I am gonna be working on some storyboards for a small commercial that I'm making up to put in my portfolio with the help of one of my school mates who'll be doing the backgrounds. :) I'll be posting the character here soon enough and the animatic once we finalize the details.

Have a good one everyone and stay safe :D

Friday, March 16, 2012

Not forgotten!!

Yeah so with the end of the quarter coming to an end I have been putting a lot of my time and sleep on the line to get all my things done. So far 2 out of 3 final projects have been finished and turned in  but with a little bit of bad luck I ended up losing my final project for my last class and only have what I showed to the professor in midterms. Now I have to try to finish an animation I have been working on for practically 2 months and try to finish it in 4 days. Woop ti freaking do..Oh gawd feeling sick just thinking about it but it shall be...somewhat done? I don't even know but hopefully the motivation is there.

Well it is sketch Friday. So here's what I sketched out a couple of days ago and decided to flesh it out some more.

I've been wanting to work on Flash a lot more when it comes to coloring, I can blame John Su for that...good artist you should check out his things. Does beautiful/funny work with flash. Hope to be just as good as him one day...with more and more practice of course.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Yeaaahhh I really need to get better at drawing guys or rather...feel comfortable drawing them and to stop going from guys straight to girls...It is something that I must dedicate a sketch book for it seems.

Soooo for sketch Friday here's my attempt. Like I said...need more guys. Aaahhh will post more guys next week!

On a side note I am now working on another project other than the ones at school and I hope to get help for it from my fellow team/ future studio peoples? Is what I want to call them. Hopefully during the break I'll have an animatic up for it.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I told myself I was going to be posting something every Friday and I completely forgot about it until now. School has been very hectic in a sense and I'm just slowly running out of time. I just hope that I'll be able to finish the quarter with good grades and be able to take the biggest breather ever imaginable..

Let's see what I can dig up though. Oh found something!

Alright so I might not be a beast at backgrounds but I am working on it. I was just messing around in Photoshop when I ended up with this sketch....eventually I'll be good enough to post a finished background :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Push myself

So I've been sitting down at some classes at school, specifically portfolio classes, and I have noticed that some people's demo reels are not the best out there. It seems that they just drew some nonsense in order to pass the class with no real thought behind their progress. It's a little bit disappointing and I'm working really hard to not be on the same boat. I have until the end of this year to finalize my things and I will do it! I will push myself (OOOOohh I said the title!!!) as much as I can and live at the school if that is what it takes to win "Best in Show" when I go to graduate.

In other news I am also working on posting sketches every Friday. If there is anything that someone would want to see me sketch then by all means let me know and I will get to it. I'm doing this to get better at drawing so the support is appreciated.

To start off here's my first sketch....well technically I colored it. Yes if I have the time I will attempt to color, even though I suck at it and just do flash coloring (woo flats...).

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Turnaround turnaround I get around....

So here's another character for our group project. The character was designed by Christina Quintero, she just started her own blog so you can see her progress here, Christina Art Cafe, but the coloring of the turnaround was done by me. I likes it :)

Her eyes remind me of Dora...the explorer...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day...

Yeah that's what I should have said like....10 minutes ago but I forgot to wish it to everyone hehe. But anyways I also forgot to post some more action poses. This time for Baron.

Now we're just going deeper into finishing our pre-production project. I hope it turns out very well. Even though it's not like we're trying to win a prize, we are trying to be the best one out of the 4 groups. So I hope the work pays off.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Coolloorrr All the Way

These are the color concepts for both of the characters that I was assigned. Jane and Baron (I don't think these names will be changed. Once we gave it to them they just stuck...Oh well...)

Ah and the final choice for Jane has also been decided :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So I can't say I dislike turnarounds because I love that I get to see how my characters look from different angles. But when I have to show a certain part of them and it's not their "Good Side!" it drives me up a wall...
But anyways here's Jane and Baron's turnarounds.

Very simple coloring which I enjoyed. Baron's colors are decided but Jane might be changing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Raizel Color Concepts

So I worked on some concepts for Raizel a while ago. I'm just not very strong when it comes to finishing/shading characters soooo bucket fill it is!!! Alright!

So far I believe number 2 was the winner. And yes this is from left to right. So yeah number 2!....or was it 1....Wait. Yeah it was number 1. You know what I don't remember. 

No I do remember...It was number 2 who got the most votes :)
And it helps that I had posted the chosen one some time ago here hehe....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Yeah I'm working on it....

So yeah it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted something but just when I thought I was on top of everything, projects wise, it has now started to pile up on me. So here's hoping I can get out of this with no worries about the quality of my work just dropping on me (which is my biggest worry)....

Here's Jane. The character I'm in charge of in all her poses.
The inking was done in Flash.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Part 2- Concepts

Alright so here are some more concepts for the male character I'm working on. Even though it has already been chosen as to who we are going to be using I wonder if these new ones will make them change their minds. hehe. Not that I don't like the choice we already made but you just never know.

Oh this is also the lineup for the characters but not the final decision for them.

I'm aware these are all sketches. I hope to be able to put some digital drawings here soon. I can't say I'm very good when it comes to digital painting but this project will test that. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Follow up

I'll be posting some more concepts as soon as I get near a scanner...which will be on Tomorrow hehe. But yeah needed to post something in order to remind myself that I do have a blog I need to update frequently.

And on that note. Here's something I worked on not too long ago. Just an ink of one of my characters that will be used in another project I'm working on in the near future.

Oh and I'm still trying to figure out the colors I would like to use for this character. But so far I believe this one is winning. I hope that when I get better in digital painting that I'll be able to work on this picture a lot more...well more like finish it hehe. So for now Flats it shall be.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


And as the title states this is the beginning. I know I should have jumped on a blog a long time ago but I didn't really know what the importance of one was. Now I do. And as an intro I will be posting character concepts that I am working on for my Pre-production group, which we hope to take the project even further outside of the class *crosses fingers*

I am working on 2 character concepts for now. Which is a female magician and one of the bad guys.

There will be more concepts to come since the more I look at these the more I think, "Man I need to step it up and bring something out that's my group will like just like I do". Woo for inner pet talk.