Friday, March 16, 2012

Not forgotten!!

Yeah so with the end of the quarter coming to an end I have been putting a lot of my time and sleep on the line to get all my things done. So far 2 out of 3 final projects have been finished and turned in  but with a little bit of bad luck I ended up losing my final project for my last class and only have what I showed to the professor in midterms. Now I have to try to finish an animation I have been working on for practically 2 months and try to finish it in 4 days. Woop ti freaking do..Oh gawd feeling sick just thinking about it but it shall be...somewhat done? I don't even know but hopefully the motivation is there.

Well it is sketch Friday. So here's what I sketched out a couple of days ago and decided to flesh it out some more.

I've been wanting to work on Flash a lot more when it comes to coloring, I can blame John Su for that...good artist you should check out his things. Does beautiful/funny work with flash. Hope to be just as good as him one day...with more and more practice of course.

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