Monday, January 23, 2012

Part 2- Concepts

Alright so here are some more concepts for the male character I'm working on. Even though it has already been chosen as to who we are going to be using I wonder if these new ones will make them change their minds. hehe. Not that I don't like the choice we already made but you just never know.

Oh this is also the lineup for the characters but not the final decision for them.

I'm aware these are all sketches. I hope to be able to put some digital drawings here soon. I can't say I'm very good when it comes to digital painting but this project will test that. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Follow up

I'll be posting some more concepts as soon as I get near a scanner...which will be on Tomorrow hehe. But yeah needed to post something in order to remind myself that I do have a blog I need to update frequently.

And on that note. Here's something I worked on not too long ago. Just an ink of one of my characters that will be used in another project I'm working on in the near future.

Oh and I'm still trying to figure out the colors I would like to use for this character. But so far I believe this one is winning. I hope that when I get better in digital painting that I'll be able to work on this picture a lot more...well more like finish it hehe. So for now Flats it shall be.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


And as the title states this is the beginning. I know I should have jumped on a blog a long time ago but I didn't really know what the importance of one was. Now I do. And as an intro I will be posting character concepts that I am working on for my Pre-production group, which we hope to take the project even further outside of the class *crosses fingers*

I am working on 2 character concepts for now. Which is a female magician and one of the bad guys.

There will be more concepts to come since the more I look at these the more I think, "Man I need to step it up and bring something out that's my group will like just like I do". Woo for inner pet talk.